2023 04 for about section

My name is Charles Luis Gavin.  I started this site as a 17 year old junior at Thayer Academy in Braintree, MA and as of this update I am an almost-18 year old senior.  

My art started off entirely as graphite pencil sketches, which lasted up until the summer of sophomore year when I started to explore acrylic painting.  Since then, I have added loads of new and different mediums, ranging from clay and wood to cotton and leather. 

In the summer of 2021, my style of acrylic painting became very distinct. My love for nature, particularly plants and birds, became the central theme of most of my paintings. I drew ideas from Rivera and Kahlo, as well Maya artists from Guatemala (where I was born).

Along with painting, clay has become one my favorite mediums. I began sophomore year making east-asian style pots, using the traditional Chinese Yixing and Korean goryeo methods. After that, I began exploring many different styles of pottery. Until recently, all of my pottery works have been hand thrown with coils (no use of the wheel).  In late spring of 2023 I started working with porcelain and using the wheel but I have only made a few pieces in this way.

In the summer and fall of 2022 I taught myself how to back strap weave. Back strap weaving is integral to daily life in Guatemala, especially to the Maya (which I am). I created my own loom (which is basically 5-6 sticks) and studied the various styles of brocade that are unique to individual communities and towns.  

As of the start of 2023, I have been focusing a lot of my "art-time" on making decorative and functional artwork.  That means less painting and more time spent not only on ceramics but on things like shoes (with extensive beadwork), gloves with decorative cuffs, etc. -- all of it entirely hand made (no sewing machine, etc.).  

I'm not sure where my exploration of art will take me next but I hope to use this site to share the journey a bit with friends and family.  I also hope to use it as a way to do some fundraising for causes that mean a lot to me (particularly groups based in Guatemala).  Please check out the "store/fundraising" page for more on that.  

Thanks for reading!